Tuesday, August 16, 2011


  Well, dont I have some catching up to do! I have been so busy with sessions and setting up a few other things that I have just not had any time to blog lately!

But I will promise a MASSIVE catch up week very soon.. Im talking one post a day..or night maybe even two with everything that has been going on... I have some news for my fans and followers coming up which I will release on the weekend + even more exciting news for you all to come.

So whilst this post is just to say a big fat sorry and thankyou for your patience, there will be great news in return!

P.s I did take some time off in the past 2 months to spend some time with my little cousins.. (:

Samara xx

** Personal Post - some of the images below were taken by my little cousins and my nanna Jan!  **

 I adore my little cousins Piper and Riply + their big sister Cait (away at the time) I would do anything for these girls and it is amazing to see how much they all grow and how quickly the time goes by...

** Please note that these images are for personal use only. Most Images were not taken by myself **

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